Low Energy Neurofeedback System

The result of this training is a changed brainwave state and greater ability for the brain
to regulate itself for higher, more flexible functioning.
— Myrna

Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) uses an electromagnetic field as the carrier wave for feedback. With this method, the EEG leads serve as bi-directional conduits for both the brainwaves and the feedback signals. This neurofeedback method is distinct in that the duration of treatment for ADD/ADHD, depression, PTSD, and seizures is shorter, and the system settings and electrode sites change from client to client, and for any client, change from time to time. With this method, the brain wave activity (at both the sites in the brain that have problems in isolation, and at sites that act in coherence systems) can be enhanced, towards a more optimal pattern, in a predictable manner.


Description of Sessions

We begin with an intake session, in which you and Myrna will discuss the usefulness of LENS Neurofeedback to your particular history and current experience, and if it is appropriate will do an initial session. In the second and sometimes third session, Myrna will create a brain map which will serve diagnosis, the treatment plan, and as a reference to track progress, in conjunction with your actual experience. The brain map is a quantitative EEG recording done from readings from 21 points on the head. This is a series of maps where for each measured spot the average level of activity is shown. The brain map is compared to a database to determine areas of over and under activity compared to the average people of your age and sex. On the basis of the signs and symptoms that you report and the actual brain map a course of therapy is chosen. This involves an electromagnetic feedback (no stronger than a radio wave) on the EEG sites on the head that need to become more or less active for specific frequencies. During the therapy you get the feedback that their specific brain needs to help it adjust the brain wave frequencies and therefore improve.

LENS Neurofeedback is suitable for young children. Myrna will discuss the usefulness and appropriateness with you and together you will would decide it this could be helpful for your child. You will be present at all sessions and keep a careful record of your child’s behaviors during the course of treatment. This treatment can be very helpful for children who have been given a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD.



  • “mental” fog

  • irritability

  • anger

  • fatigue

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • angina when caused by cortical problems

  • need to control intense and gripping feelings


  • sleep at night

  • energy during the day

  • recent memory

  • clarity

  • ease

  • vision and speech (due to cortical problems)

  • concentration and attention, formerly interfered with by affective activity

Tangible clinical improvements are typically noted within 3 to 6 sessions. Reductions in brain wave amplitude and variability will often be noted within the first session. Treatments can alter mood, energy, cognitive functioning, attention, movement, confidence, sleep, and attention. Clients stand a reasonable chance of improvement, even long after physical and psychological trauma.



For more information and to set up an appointment, please call Myrna at (250) 509-1033, or email myrna@myrnamartin.net. Myrna is now located in Comox, BC

Resources for Neurofeedback